The Japanese word "Reiki" means universal life force energy. It is a non-invasive method of hands-on healing; it is an innate energy that surrounds us.


Reiki is done by means of a technical approach for both acute and chronic conditions. Be careful, and powerful in restoring the body's balance systems. It supports the normal active processes of the mind and the body.


During the session, I will be on, no pressure, and no oil is used. Fully clothed, in a safe, secure, and warm environment, quiet and very focused, whereas I'm just with my hands at the top of your head, shoulders, chest, back, abdomen, and limbs, in order to achieve the goal.

A CHAKRA TEST is done at a light therapy. You're awake, but we will make sure that the block will disappear. the chakras are involved, and the massage is in accordance with the requirements of the client at that time.

According to the psychic, are psychics Chakra, the energy of our body. We take care of all various body areas, organs, and cells. The aura, transmits energy to our chakras.

We have seven major chakras and the 21 minor chakras. However, because acupuncture points are opportunities for the openings to the energy of the aura to flow out.

We have a lot of  Bloues energy, which is not to be seen again. These are self-assessments and are included in your health.


It is very important to exercise in our real life, we can help you with this. Therapy at the highest level.